Friday, September 23, 2011

97 nissan 200sx serpentine belt broke, I changed it, now its not cranking.?

97 Nissan 200sx 1.6 litter.

I went to crank my car this morning and it squealed very load and smoke started to come from the passenger side under the hood. i shut off the engine and lifted the hood where i found my serpentine belt broke. this car has 2 belts and the one that broke goes to the power steering and water pump. With all this said, i changed the belt and tried to crank.... it turns over and and then smuters a little bit like it might crank but it want. Any ideas what i need to do or what might have happened. Thank you!
97 nissan 200sx serpentine belt broke, I changed it, now its not cranking.?
the belt may run the air conditioner compressor and this unit may have seized, pulley stuck,this could have burned the belt off

maybe the water pump seized and burned the belt off

check all pulleys for rotating