I went for an oil change %26amp; the mechanic said serpentine belt needs to be replaced as it has cracks. He gave me a quote on $70 to replace it. I was wondering if this has happened to other people? Which is the cheapest place to get it replaced. Is it something urgent? Any advice will be appreciated...
The mechanic said my toyota corolla 1998 serpentine belt is broken...?
Labor is typically 70-90 dollars an hour depending on where you go, so that seems like a very good price.
I'd say, just do it, that isn't a bad price at all.
The mechanic said my toyota corolla 1998 serpentine belt is broken...?
A serpentine belt is a single multi ribbed drive belt that drives all engine driven components such as:-
Power steering pump
Water pump
A/C Compressor
Air pump (if fitted)
This belt is possibly 5 to 6 feet long and it is automatically tensioned by a spring loaded tensioner. There is an indicator on the tensioner that indicates the amount of stretch of the belt as it ages and beyond a certain point the belt should be replaced, even if it looks otherwise OK. A small amount of cracking across the ribs is acceptable and even normal. Over time these cracks become more numerous and larger and the belt needs replacing. Some manufacturers recommend automatic replacement at about 100,000Kms (60,000miles)
If the belt breaks you will loose all your engine driven components, including power steering and there is a strong risk of engine damage, especially to the crank angle sensor as the broken belt is flying around at high speed.
$70.00 is an entirely reasonable price to replace this belt.
I just replaced the belt on one of my Prizms (same engine/chassis as the Corolla) and it was $28.38 + tax from the Toyota dealer, and it took me about 15 minutes, so I think $70 should include parts and labor.
I recommend dealing with a mechanic who is familiar with Toyota's because the belt tensioners are prone to failing, and a bad tensioner will shorten the life of the belt. There's a rattling/light knocking sound from the belt at idle when it's bad.
$70 is a very reasonable price to pay for a serpentine replacement.If you still want to save more and learn something in the process,buy the Haynes manual and learn how to replace it.once you alredy know it should take you about 1 minute to do thewhole process.good luck.
$50 for belt and $70 for labor is too high go to auto zone buy the belt and get a friend to replace it if you are not mechanically inclined or buy the haynes manual for the car it will give you step by step instructions on how to replace the belt,belt and book shouldn't cost much more than $50 saving $70 doing it yourself priceless!
duhhhhhh of course it's urgent you're accesories on the front of your engine wont work without the belt. price wise it's cheapest to buy the belt at your local auto parts store and do it yourself, it's really easy!
get the belt changed....if it breaks you can damage the engine plus it can be expensive to get towed off the freeway
$70 is cheap for piece of mind
If it breaks, your alternator, water pump and A/C will stop working and your car will die.
$70 is not a bad price to replace it.
it sounds reasonable, since you never had it replaced before. Does the quote include the belt?