Thursday, September 15, 2011

Changed the serpentine belt on a 96 camero all went well but now the heat doesnt work help?

could it just be the thermostat
Changed the serpentine belt on a 96 camero all went well but now the heat doesnt work help?
did heater work just before changing the belt?

do you have a diagram for belt instalation on the car?

This makes me think you have the waterpump turning the wrong way

looking at the belt diagram it looks pos to install it wrong
Changed the serpentine belt on a 96 camero all went well but now the heat doesnt work help?
check the heater valve, attached to the heater-hose. you probably knocked off the vacuum line.

if not then check your coolant level. inspect for leaks. does engine temperature stay near the middle mark?

if its constantly low (or cold), suspect t-stat is stuck open.
Sounds like an air pocket in the cooling system...try bleeding the system....should be a bleeder valve on the t/stat housing and possibly in one of the coolant hoses.
Serpentine belts can be tricky to install. You could have your water pump running backwards. Look under the hood to see if there is a belt diagram or consult a manual. Or just take it off and reinstall. Make sure the inside grooved part of the belt run on the grooved pulleys and the smooth pulleys run on the back side of the belt. I worked in an auto parts store and had experience with many customers who had this problem.
Could need a new thermostat.