Was I getting the shaft, or is this typical (or is it typical to get the shaft, lol)? Anyone else know a national chain that would give me better pricing, or a local place that won't screw me over in the Henderson, NV area?
Cost to replace serpentine belt? 99 Escort ZX2 Henderson, NV?
Next time, spend 30 bucks on a 1/2%26quot; breaker-bar and $21.99 on the belt and change it on a sunny day. Labor I can see, but the markup on the part seems a little steep. They probably got it at Autozone
Cost to replace serpentine belt? 99 Escort ZX2 Henderson, NV?
It seems every time I take my car in for an oil change or anything else they say that to me. I discovered recently when my son was a lube tech at Honda that a belt or any other work is considered an %26quot;upsell%26quot; and everyone from the lube tech to the mechanic gets a bonus.
Do you really even need it?
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make a complaint to your local states atty general`s office file a fraud complaint. next time buy the belt and do the job your self, it can be done in 10 minutes and the cost including tools, should be under $40.00. they saw you comming, as stuck it to you but good. when you lift the hood, the replacement diagram and procedure is right on the radiator flange. when in doubt, dont be afraid to ask your friends and or relatives in the area, most would be only too glad to help, and a cold case of soda would be a lot cheaper than what you paid