the belt of accesories or serpentine belt,is that a backyard mechanic job or does it has to be taken to the dealer? thanks! i have an idea,cause i changed in my car mitsubishi and is only one,in the civic are like 3.
How to change the belt of accesories on a honda civic 96?
haha i got that car i sold that peace of sht
How to change the belt of accesories on a honda civic 96?
I actually just did that on my 96 civic yesterday, its actually real easy, the power steering pump and alternator, all you have to do is loosen the mounting and adjusting bolt, swing it back and take the belt off, and for the AC belt you need to loosen the bolt on the pully (the one on the top, not the crank and not the compressor pulley, the remaining one) and pull the belt off. To get the AC belt all the way off you need to unbolt the mount that goes from the AC to the body and just slip the belt over that. Installation is reverse of removal